Tower Power offers nationwide
coverage to MNO’s
Build to Suit Solutions
delivered on time and
within budget
Strategic Site
Placements, World
Class Team Players
State of the Art
Network Operations
Control Center [NOCC]

About Our Service

As part of the full-service leasing program that TPL provides, we offer Build-to-Suit projects to carriers who are looking for efficient network development. TPL specializes in hard to zone, hard to build areas and has provided Build-to-Suit sites for Jazz, Ufone, Telenor and Zong. For our Build to Suit services we develop strategic site locations for multiple MNOs across Pakistan. With deep insights of the Telco industry we develop locations where multiple MNO’s need to locate antennas for capacity requirements or increased service demands. From site acquisition through installation, we provide customers with a fast and cost-effective program which is scalable and reliable

Passive Telco Sharing sites across Pakistan
0 +

Access Anywhere

Our asset base helps companies in accelerating their

connectivity growth through diverse and challenging terrains 

throughout the country. 

Renewable Energy Projects

Associated Technologies is a national leader in developing and constructing some of Pakistan’s most commercially viable and environmentally responsible hydro and solar power projects.

Our efforts have resulted in creating financially reliable and environmentally sound energy sources nationwide

Our Clients

The Companies we work with